MCPS adjusts 2021-2022 school calendar for snow make-up days

Feb. 24, 2022, 7:30 p.m. | By Kathereen Yang | 3 years ago

The last day of school for students is now Friday, June 17

This afternoon, Interim Superintendent Monifa McKnight released a letter to the MCPS community announcing the designated snow make-up days for the 2021-2022 school year.

MCPS has had four snow days thus far this school year. In order to meet Maryland's requirement of at least 180 instructional days per school year, three days must be made up.

Friday, April 1 was originally a professional day for teachers and a day off for students. It will now be an early release day for students. Wednesday, June 15, the original last day of school, was an early release day but will now be a full school day. 

The school year has also been extended. Thursday, June 16 will be a full school day. Friday, June 17 is the new last day of the school year for students and will be an early release day. 

The update reiterated that MCPS now has the option of transitioning to virtual learning for future weather-caused school closings this school year. 

MCPS may request an exemption from the state-required 180 days of instruction if needed in the future. To be eligible for a waiver, however, MCPS must "demonstrate a good faith effort to make up for lost time using their designated make-up days."

Last updated: Feb. 24, 2022, 7:39 p.m.

Kathereen Yang. hi! My name is Kathereen and I'm a junior writer. I enjoy reading and running, and I'm currently trying to figure out how to make pizza (without burning it). More »

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