Maryland goes to the polls, 2004

Feb. 29, 2004, midnight | By Elliott Wolf | 21 years ago

Information on elections in Maryland

Election Results (As of 3/3/2004, 7:00 pm)
President: John Kerry (66.3%)George W. Bush (100%)
U.S. Senate: Barbara Mikulski (92.9%)E. J. Pimpkin (39.1%)
House of Reps., Dist. 8: Chris Van Hollen (91.4%) Chuck Floyd (57.4%)
House of Reps., Dist. 4: Albert Wynn (75.8%) John McKinnis (34.6%)

Non-Partisan Races
School Board, District 4: Valerie Ervin (46.2%)
School Board, District 2: Stephen Abrams (42.0%)
School Board, At-Large: Sharon Cox (68.5%)

On Tuesday, March 2, Blair teachers and several hundred Blair students will have the opportunity to go to the polls and vote for candidates for various public offices. A great number of races are being held this election cycle that will have a direct impact on the Blair community, the County, the State and the entire Country. Silver Chips is providing background on all the races pertinent to the Blair community and general information for those new to the political process. See the links below for more information on specific races and for a background for Maryland and Montgomery County politics.

Background on Maryland Politics and the Primary System

Candidates for Maryland District 8 House Seat

Candidates for Maryland District 4 House Seat

Candidates for the Maryland Junior Senate Seat

Candidates for the District 4 Board of Education Seat

Candidates for the At-Large Board of Education Seat

Visit the Blair Primary Election for Information on Presidential Candidates

If you are unsure, view the district maps below to determine which districts you are in based on where you live:
Congressional Districts
Legislative Districts
Board of Education Districts
Councilmanic Districts

Information compiled from the Montgomery County Board of Elections, The Washington Post, The Gazette and various campaign websites.

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Elliott Wolf. Elliott Wolf is a magnet senior who is thrilled to be writing for Silverchips Online in his last year of high school. He has lived in TAKOMA PARK for his entire life, and is proud to come from the hippie capitol of the east coast. … More »

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