Make-up day added to end of school year

Feb. 4, 2004, midnight | By Caitlin O'Brien | 21 years, 1 month ago

MCPS has used too many snow days

The Montgomery County Public School system has exceeded its allotted snow days for each year. The school year has been extended to June 16 as a result.

Due to hurricane Isabel and the winter weather that caused harsh road conditions, schools have been closed five days. The MCPS calendar allows only four days in the event of emergency weather conditions resulting in school closings.

As a result of the school closing on Feb. 3, MCPS will not have the required 179-day school year. "[This] closure will prompt the implementation of the contingency calendar for make-up days at the end of the school year," said Director of Communications for MCPS, Brian Porter.

According to Assistant Principal, Linda Warner exams will likely be pushed back to accommodate this schedule change.

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