Lunch area restricted

April 16, 2004, midnight | By Cori Cohen | 20 years, 11 months ago

Students in 5B lunch are no longer allowed to eat along Blair Blvd because they continued to leave trash in the hall, according to Principal Phillip Gainous.

In an announcement before spring break, Gainous threatened to restrict lunch to the SAC if students refused to clean up after themselves. Although students are no longer allowed to sit against the wall by the elevator, they are still allowed to eat lunch by the lockers.

Gainous expressed disappointment in the students and said the hall would remain off limits during lunch "until I feel comfortable they will clean up." Gainous said students in 5A lunch are allowed to remain in the hall because "they don't trash the hall."

Security guard Julie Oesch said that although students were reluctant to leave the hall, they cooperated with security. Oesch said the decision to forbid food in the hall has made a tremendous difference for building services. "There's no trash on the floor [now]," she said.

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Cori Cohen. Cori Cohen is a senior. And guess what? She made has made some new friends! CICADAS! She loves taking them for drives and is starting a "save the cicadas program." More »

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