Lee, Jacob J.

Nov. 19, 2002, midnight | 22 years, 3 months ago

by Yicong Liu

Name: Jacob J. Lee
Department: Social Studies
Education: College major in education
Years teaching: 7
Year started at MBHS: 1995
Previous jobs: Summer Camp Counselor
Hobbies: Golf, yearbook club, counseling children

Jacob Joseph Lee never met his parents. Foster parents took him in at 2 months old, changing his life for the better. As a teacher, Lee is inspired and determined to spread the kindness he had experienced in his youth to all his students.

Lee's teaching ambition led him to Blair where he is now an experienced member of the staff. Lee has been teaching here for his entire seven-year career. He teaches U.S. History, for freshman and a special history class for transfer students. Lee doesn't mind what grade level he teaches, as long as he enjoys the subject.

Lee's passion for teaching emerged during his youth when he first considered his future career. His decision to become an educator started with his love of working with children, and teaching "was the obvious next step." As for his own childhood, "It wasn't very different from a normal childhood," he stated casually and adjusting was "very easy."

Lee is also extremely involved in the Blair community because he is in charge of the yearbook – a specialized elective that students take dedicated to creating the Blair yearbook. Lee admits that yearbook is a huge commitment, mainly because of its enormous responsibility. He points to stacks of boxes he had just received in his mailbox and the piles of papers awaiting his attention. He doesn't mind the huge workload, because creating a yearbook that many students will cherish for years is well worth it.

Lee has a life outside of school that involves his hobbies as well as his love of teaching children. He enjoys golf, photography and counseling children. His alternate profession, if any, would be a summer camp counselor, simply because of the interaction with children.

Lee believes he is very successful in his career. He follows the material outlined by the county curriculum but he also finds way to make each class unique and exciting. As a result, Lee finds many kids confiding with him about personal problems. This he credits to his closeness with his students. "I am pretty good at connecting with kids," he said.

Lee recalls one specific incident involving a girl who had loathed studying history. After taking his class, she had decided to major in history for college, which for her was a radical declaration. To Lee, she still symbolizes a trophy of his success and serves as inspiration to further his career.

Lee's favorite part of work is the fruit of his labor or "anytime I can make a positive impact on a kid's life," and being an active part of the community is every bit fulfilling as he had hoped for. Lee knows he will stay at Blair, at least for a long while, and continue doing what he loves to do most: making a difference.

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