Kerry will build a stronger future

Sept. 29, 2004, midnight | By Sara Pierce | 20 years, 5 months ago

When President George W. Bush ordered the U.S. invasion of Iraq, he insisted that Saddam Hussein was developing weapons of mass destruction and supporting international terrorism. These key justifications for going to war turned out to be false. We must now question the competence and integrity of a president who continues to pursue misguided foreign and domestic policies.

Massachusetts Senator John F. Kerry offers a better alternative to Bush. Kerry's goals include reforming our foreign policy, reducing the national budget deficit and improving access to healthcare in order to steer our country toward a brighter future. He will stand by his promise that "help is on the way."

Bush's isolationist and unilateral approach to the war in Iraq has caused our country to lose the trust and respect of nations around the globe. By creating a coalition to rebuild Iraq without the specific authorization of the United Nations Security Council, Bush violated the U.N. charter. His reckless decision to invade Iraq has cost over 1,000 American lives and over $200 billion dollars, according to The Washington Post. In contrast, Kerry believes that the U.S. should go to war only if it is absolutely necessary, and not on the basis of distorted intelligence information. Kerry will work to withdraw all American troops from Iraq during his first term in office, and he will focus on restoring our relationships with the international community.

Unlike Bush, a responsible president would respect the constraints of a balanced national budget. Bush's lack of fiscal discipline has led to a record budget deficit of $422 billion dollars, according to the Congressional Budget Office. Evidently, Bush is unable to lead the country economically. If elected, Kerry will cut the budget deficit in half by ending tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans. Kerry believes that the value of reducing the budget deficit outweighs the short-term benefits of tax cuts.

The United States needs a president who is dedicated to protecting the health of Americans. But, according to The Washington Post, 3.8 million more Americans are uninsured now than when Bush took office in January 2001. In contrast, Kerry believes that every American should have equal access to healthcare, and that the government should invest federal dollars to achieve this goal. By rolling back tax cuts, Kerry will have the resources to ensure that 95 percent of Americans have health insurance. A study by the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank, projected that Kerry's healthcare plan would provide insurance for 27.3 million Americans who lack it now, while Bush's plan would insure only 6.7 million. This dramatic difference shows that Kerry's plan will do more to protect the health of the American people.

With his determination and fresh political perspectives, Kerry is clearly the strongest presidential candidate. So whether or not all Blazers are old enough to head to election booths on Nov. 2, we should show our support for the candidate—Senator John F. Kerry—who will guide our country to greater security and prosperity.

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Sara Pierce. Sara Pierce is the sports staff scuzzy and takes pride in such an honorable title. Although she has been mistaken for a senior since she was a naive little freshie (she was and still is exceedingly tall), she is now finally a SENIOR and livin … More »

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