The Bachelor Week 5 recap and Week 6 predictions

Feb. 5, 2018, 2:57 p.m. | By Eric Feigen, Emma Markus, Sneha Ojha, Noah Stern, Rebecca Wessel, Eleanor Williams | 7 years, 1 month ago


Recaps written by Emma Markus and Rebecca Wessel

This week on The Bachelor, the cast headed to Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Chelsea goes on the coveted one-on-one date. Arie brings her on a yacht, to which Chelsea exclaims cheesily, "I'm on a dreamboat with a dreamboat!" Back in the hotel Maquel returns from her grandfather's funeral. The women then go out to the balcony of their hotel room to find a conveniently placed telescope which they then use to spy on Arie and Chelsea as make out on a jet ski. At dinner, Arie learns more about Chelsea's past, including that her previous husband, the father of her child, left her for another woman when her son was only six months old. Chelsea has a maturity that most of the other women have not developed yet.

The group date takes place at a bowling alley. The women are asked to divide themselves into two teams and told that whichever team wins will get to go to the cocktail party, while the losers will have to go back to the hotel. When Krystal's team wins, she rubs it in everyone's faces. Arie then announces that he has changed his mind and would like the losing ladies to come to the cocktail party too because he feels badly. Krystal is livid and goes on a rant to the other women about how Arie is a liar on the way back to the hotel. She is decides not to go to the cocktail party because the losers will be there too. The other women are like, "fine, none of us like you anyways," and leave.

When Arie asks where Krystal is, the women reveal the nasty things Krystal has been saying about Arie behind his back. Arie goes upstairs to the women's suite to find Krystal, who has been sulking like a bratty child in her room. Arie lets her know that he's unhappy with her and leaves. Krystal, realizing her plan to make Arie chase after her has backfired, heads down to the cocktail party just as Bekah finishes leading a prayer circle in Krystal's honor. "May Krystal find the inner peace she thinks she has," Bekah says as she sits hand in hand with the other contestants. Amen. The other women try to talk to Krystal in order to work out their issues but her, but Krystal is too upset by their "attacks" and decides to go back upstairs. Krystal's actions frustrate Lauren, who decides to leave the group and go talk to Arie. Lauren uses her time with Arie at the cocktail party to play "Twenty Questions." I'm sorry, but is she in middle school? Tia gets the second one-on-one date and they go for a boat ride in the swamp to a rickety country house. Tia bonds with the boat driver over being southern and admits she's done the deed of frogging: stabbing frogs in ditches on the side of the road with a pitchfork. At dinner she reveals that she's falling for Arie, to which he responds, "I know," and gives her the rose.

At the rose ceremony, before Arie gives out roses, Krystal dramatically asks to speak to Arie away from the others. Surprise, surprise. In the end, Arie decides to keep Krystal on the show, and Ashley, Maquel and Marikh are sent home.

Scoreboard of Last Week's Correct Predictions:

Sneha and Eric





The Bachelor Week Six Predictions

Remaining Women

Becca, Bekah, Chelsea, Jacqueline, Jenna, Kendall, Krystal, Lauren, Seinne, Tia

Becca's Picks for Week Six

Jacqueline, Jenna, Krystal

Jacqueline was chosen for the one-on-one, and her nervous energy is what's going to to set Arie off. Instead of focusing on the date and getting to know him, Jacqueline is going to be too worried about comparing her relationship with Arie to the other girls. Next to go is Jenna. I can't tell if she's always drunk or if it's just her personality, but either way I think Arie is looking for a little more substance than tipsy giggles 24/7. I was shocked when Krystal was not sent home last week, but the fact that she's on the two-on-one date next week shows Arie is already having doubts. Despite what she may think, Krystal is not wife material and she will be sent home this week.

Eric's Picks for Week Six

Jenna, Krystal, Becca K.

Jenna's behavior last episode violates one of the principle rules that lead to Bachelor success: don't get drunk or else you'll flunk. This makes her elimination pretty much guaranteed. Meanwhile, it's a miracle that Krystal has made it this far into the season. While her fake and superficial personality has been somewhat entertaining, I just don't see why Arie would want to keep her around, she's not wife material. Becca K. is as quiet as a Vikings fan after last week. Arie hasn't got to know her and unless she breaks out of her shell, I think there's a high probability that she'll be heading home.

Ellie's Picks for Week Six

Krystal, Jenna, Jacqueline

I think these three should be packing their bags after week six. Jenna's drunken behavior is entertaining but she doesn't seem to connect with Arie on an emotional level. Jacqueline seems very genuine, but also hasn't progressed as far as many of the other girls, and it doesn't look like she'll be getting a one-on-one in Paris. If Arie has any sense whatsoever, he'll get rid of hurricane Krystal this week as more relationships heat up and she becomes more unhinged.

Emma's Picks for Week Six

Krystal, Jenna, Jacqueline

This week Krystal and Kendall will face off on a double date with Arie. Only one can stay and I think Krystal's fake, sickly sweet personality will really become evident when juxtaposed with Kendall's genuine one. Neither Jenna nor Jacqueline are standouts. Also, Jenna was acting really over-the-top in order to get Arie's attention on the bowling group date. The desperation was not a good look for her. Both women should be heading home this week.

Sneha's Picks for Week Six

Jacqueline, Krystal, Jenna

While I may have misjudged last week, I still believe that Jenna is going home. We're coming down to the final few ladies, and Jenna just doesn't fit in with them. She isn't as charming as Bekah or as lovable as Kendall (and yes, I do love Kendall despite her creepy taxidermy obsession). It's Jenna's time to go. Krystal is a ticking time bomb. Let's be real, do you really think she's going to marry Arie in the end? In last episode, Krystal and Arie were fighting over the bowling incident. Arie is starting to use his head for once and is finally seeing Krystal for the condescending person that she is. While Krystal may believe that the fights between them are just their "first fights as a couple," I believe it could be their last. I also believe Jacqueline is going home. She just bores me. I've been trying to send her home since week three. Please Jacqueline, just leave.

Noah's Picks for Week Five

Becca K., Jacqueline, Krystal

I can't believe Krystal has survived this long. She has been rude and annoying to everyone in the house, even Arie. Arie is just as stupid for keeping her on for this long. Becca K. has not been very present for the past few weeks and has not had a lot of time with Arie. She was almost as quiet as Ashley was last week, which is why she's going home. Jacqueline is the new Ashley. She is a quiet woman who Arie has kept around because she's attractive. Yes, Arie was sweet talking her, but that doesn't matter. Jaqueline is the odd woman out at this point. These three will be the ones to go after this week.

Last updated: April 23, 2021, 1:07 p.m.

Tags: Reality TV The Bachelor Arie Luyendyk Jr. drama Week 5 recap Week 6 predictions

Eric Feigen. Commissions Editor More »

Emma Markus. staff writer More »

Sneha Ojha. My name is Sneha. I am a nerd on the inside and the outside. I have a passion for STEM and sleeping. More »

Noah Stern. My name is Noah Stern and I love sports. I am an aspiring sports broadcaster and have an article written in The Washington Post. More »

Rebecca Wessel. I love spending time outside, cooking and doing crafts! More »

Eleanor Williams. More »

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