Silver Quill fundraiser cancelled

Dec. 12, 2003, midnight | By Shewit Woldu | 21 years, 3 months ago

The Silver Quill fundraiser scheduled for tonight has been cancelled. The club plans to reschedule the concert after winter break.

Editor-in-chief Christian Brown said there was a mix-up in requesting the SAC. "Two weeks ago we tried to reserve the SAC, and unfortunately the forms were misplaced by the secretaries in Mrs. Wanner's office," explained Brown. "I didn't find out until yesterday that the form was misplaced."

When Brown filled out the forms again, it was too late to reserve the SAC.

The magazine's first concert was going to be a fundraiser during which students were going to read poetry between band performances.

Members of Silver Quill were disappointed about the cancellation. "This is unfortunate, but hopefully we can reschedule it because we were all looking forward to it," said sponsor Valerie Josenhans.

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