InToneNation performs at Kennedy Center's Millennium Stage

March 14, 2003, midnight | By Robin Hernandez | 21 years, 12 months ago

InToneNation, a Blair a-cappella ensemble, will be performing at the Kennedy Center's Millennium Stage on Friday 14. The singing group will also be making an appearance at Carpe Diem, a ceremony of song on Saturday 15, at the Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist Church.

The Millennium concert begins at 6 p.m. and the tickets are free. Carpe Diem starts at 7:30 p.m. and tickets are $12 if ordered in advance, $15 at the door, and $10 for students and seniors.

Carpe Diem, is an opportunity for singers of all ages to showcase their talent according to InToneNation singer senior Lily Hamburger. The event is a "community choir project; adults and kids who like to sing got involved," said Hamburger.

Liz Lerman Teen Exchange, a Takoma Park dance program with Blair members, will also be performing at Carpe Diem. The Dance Exchange will accompany InToneNation during one of their songs.

According to the Class Acts website, the sponsor of Saturday's performance, "singers of all ages (8 and up) [will] join together in a choir that will perform works of Malcolm Dalglish, acclaimed director and hammer dulcimer virtuoso."

The Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist Church is located at 3401 Nebraska Ave., Washington D.C. (the corner of New Mexico Avenue and across from American University). For more information about the Carpe Diem performance call 301-588-4677.

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Robin Hernandez. Robin Hernandez is a SENIOR! She works part time as a plumber. Her creative ideas to unclogging toilets have proven to be very successful, as long as she isn't too loud in the process. If you want to enlist her help but can't find her … More »

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