International show to be held tonight

April 3, 2009, midnight | By Anika Manzoor | 15 years, 11 months ago

Blazers will celebrate cultural diversity

Blair's annual international show will be held in the auditorium tonight at 7 p.m. The event is coordinated by ESOL teachers Jody Tomesek and Emily Alexiou, with Tomesek and ESOL teacher Katie Honerkamp serving as Masters of Ceremonies. Students can purchase tickets for $3 at the door.

The goal of the show is to "showcase acts from different cultures and countries to allow students to show their talents," Alexiou said. Consisting of 14 to 15 acts, the show will represent Blazers from Central America, Bolivia, Ethiopia, India, Bangladesh and Indonesia, among others. Some acts will feature elements from both American and other cultures, such as freshman Jessie Agus's act, which "modernized" traditional Indonesian dance moves set to American music.

Tomesek and Alexiou collaborated with the SGA to include the international show as the final event for international week. This has been the first time the international show has been paired with international week, according to Tomesek. "They decided to...bring the international week and coordinate it with our show, so that it becomes the culminating activity," Tomesek said. "I hope this continues to be a tradition."

Unlike past years, there was no international club this year to partner with the adult coordinators. This has not hurt the production of the show, according to Tomesek.

Anika Manzoor. Although she may look like a cute and innocent freshman, Anika is actually a SENIOR(!!), who kicks butts and takes names on a daily basis. But otherwise she's very friendly with a sunny disposition and a constant snarl - er smile on her face =D … More »

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