Chips answers

Sept. 13, 2004, midnight | 20 years, 6 months ago

Answers compiled by Vivek Chellappa, Jeffrey Dunn, Allison Elvove, Ely Portillo and Katherine Zhang.

"you" writes: Where are my pants?

Your jeans are in the third drawer up in the dresser to the right of your bed. Your pink stretch pants are in the wash right now.

Antichrist writes: How do you integrate sec3x dx?

Tina Hackett writes: Whatever happened to Garry Clark?

According to the exhaustive Silver Chips Online Google search we conducted, Garry Clark is a professor at the University of New England, where he lectures about information technology and mathematics in education. According to his online profile, his interests include the integration of technology into mathematics education.

Garry Clark is also a vocalist featured on the All Things Work Together for Good music CD, which features inspiring gospel tracks designed to give hope to all those enduring tough times.

But the Garry Clark you're most likely asking about is a senior at Dana College in Washington, D.C. He graduated from Blair in 2000, and is one of the top runners in the country. He was the NAIA National Champion Indoor in the 600 meter dash, and the 2003 GPAC Champion in the 600 meter dash and 800 meter run, as well as being a two-time national qualifier in the 800 meter and cross country runs. He is a Blazer who has certainly gone on to great things. Keep your eyes open for a Chips story about Clark.

LotsOfQuestions writes: How much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck can chuck wood?

According to Ask Andrew on, a woodchuck, if it can indeed chuck wood, takes about 30 seconds to one minute to go through one "acorn-size piece of wood." Factoring in sleep time and breaks and taking into account the average lifespan of a woodchuck and the weight of the wood it chucks, Andrew estimates that if a woodchuck can chuck wood, it can go through about 26,280 kilograms or 26 metric tons of wood in his lifetime.

That's a lot of wood.

For more information and actual calculations, visit Ask Andrew at

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