Humans of Blair: The Importance of Not Caring

March 10, 2022, 1:15 p.m. | By Mollie Block | 3 years ago

Sophomore Sarah Blum shares her most important piece of advice.

“My best piece of life advice … would be you only live once so don’t spend your life trying to please others and do the things that make you happy and excite you.”

Everybody cares what other people think of them, it is how much you let those opinions dictate your actions which Sarah Blum believes is important. A sophomore at Montgomery Blair, Sarah believes that one should not base their decisions off of peoples anticipated reactions and instead live life uninhibited by what others think. Sarah learned the importance of doing what you want regardless of fears of what others might think. At the start of high school, Sarah pushed her worries of others opinions aside as she decided to dive head first into something she knew nothing about-- rowing! Sarah recalls how she “didn’t really know many people who did the sport [and] it [was] not a sport that [she] had a lot of knowledge about going into… but it intrigued [her].” Now, having put her first year of high school behind her, Sarah can confidently say she’s “really happy that [she] started” rowing at Blair. She did not let her fears of others opinions stop her and in return she found a sport she loves. 

Last updated: March 10, 2022, 1:43 p.m.

Tags: Humans of Blair

Mollie Block. Photo Editor and Photographer More »

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