Humans of Blair: Caring and committed

Nov. 22, 2014, 5:41 p.m. | By Eleanor Linafelt | 9 years, 11 months ago

"I've always been passionate about helping people and I've always wanted to make them feel better and care for them."

Senior Savitri Singh has wanted to become a doctor since she was four years old. Unlike the childhood career fantasies of many, Singh's dream has not left her as she has grown older. The reason her interest in becoming a doctor has not diminished over the years is because she has had a strong motivating factor pushing her along.

When Singh was eight years old, her grandmother passed away from a sickness after undergoing multiple surgeries which failed to improve her condition. "My grandmother had two strokes and [even though] she went to America for surgery and Cuba for surgery as well, it didn't really work out," she says. The idea that her grandmother could have been treated more effectively and perhaps could have even survived inspires Singh to work with people in a similar position. "I feel like more could have been done to help her from her suffering and possibly recover. That's what made me want to pursue medicine," she says.

Singh is well along the path to realize her dream. She is making sure to take as many science classes as she can in high school to build up her a foundation of knowledge. "Right now I'm taking AP Biology and last year I took Honors Biology. [This year] I'm taking Anatomy and Physiology as well to expose me to what I need to know," she says. She's looking at schools that are heavy on the sciences and have a pre-med program, since she definitely wants to go to medical school.

Though much of her future career involves the sciences, it also involves interacting and caring for others. Singh is getting practice in that as well. She used to work at Riderwood, a senior living community, where, though she mainly worked in the kitchen, she was always available for the seniors to make sure they were getting what they needed and everything was running smoothly for them. Though she is challenging herself both in and out of school, all of her work boils down to one goal: helping others.

Eleanor Linafelt. Hi there! I'm Eleanor, one of the Editors-in-Chief for SCO this year. I love reading books, playing cello and electric bass, and surfing and swimming at the beach. I am also an Emily Dickinson fanatic. More »

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