Homecoming is a success

Oct. 27, 2003, midnight | By Cori Cohen | 21 years, 4 months ago

The homecoming dance on Saturday night proved to be a profitable and enjoyable experience for staff and students.

Before the dance SGA feared that rumors about the freak dancing policy would hinder student turnout and cause the school to lose money. According to SGA treasurer Elena Chung they sold between 800 and 900 tickets. Although the exact amount has not been calculated Chung predicts they made a reasonable profit. Of the tickets sold approximately 200 were sold at a reduced price because students brought in canned food.

There is still an ongoing controversy among school officials about the freak-dancing policy. According to SGA president Denise Sylla there is no official school policy on freak dancing. Administrator Pamela Shetley said freak dancing consists of "inappropriate physical contact."

Staff members are also unclear about how to enforce the policy. According to a school official who wishes to remain anonymous, the freak dancing policy was not enforced at homecoming. Shetley said she spent much of the night curtailing inappropriate dancing. She said the DJ was very aware of the school's wishes to limit freak dancing. "Sometimes when students got too in to it the DJ would change the song and the tone of the dance would change," said Shetley. Students were very respectful of her requests for them to stop freak dancing, according to Shetley.

Both SGA and the administration feel the dance was successful. Shetley said there was one minor incident when one person was asked to leave because of a fight.

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Cori Cohen. Cori Cohen is a senior. And guess what? She made has made some new friends! CICADAS! She loves taking them for drives and is starting a "save the cicadas program." More »

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