History has been made… now what?

Oct. 28, 2004, midnight | By Isamu Bae | 20 years, 4 months ago

Eight-six years of World Series futility swept away by the Red Sox

As Keith Foulke threw the final fast ball of the 2004 season, as Edgar Renterria hit the ball with all his might only to see the ball bounce into Foulke's glove, history had been made.

Eighty-six years. Not even my parents were born back then. World War II was never supposed to happen, much less the Cold War. Eighty-six years of Boston Red Sox World Series futility all ended with a routine ground out to the pitcher. Make no mistake, this World Series, with apologies to the St. Louis Cardinals, will forever be remembered in the annals of history as the "Red Sox' Big Comeback against the Yankees."

The Red Sox won the World Series this season in the most dramatic way possible. A sweep of the Angels with the clincher being a 10-inning game. A four straight game charge dismembering the Yankees' dignity in the ACLS after being down 3-0. Two of those games were in the after-innings. Then a complete domination of the Cardinals.

What a ride, and kudos to the Red Sox for destroying the pressure of the so-called Curse of the Bambino. It takes guts of steel to fight all of that pressure in the ACLS like that.

But now what. The Red Sox have sold tickets by being the tormented, cursed Red Sox. They have attracted legions of fans with their eternal crusade towards knocking down the World Series futility. Their rallying cry has been "Just Wait Until Next Year."

Really, now what. The Red Sox, like it or not, will never be the same again. No longer are they the tormented, cursed shadow of the Yankees. Now they are just another baseball team with a ridiculous payroll. Now they are just the mini-Yankees.

At least, unless they do not win a World Series for another 86 years.

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Isamu Bae. Isamu Bae (AKA Izzy) is a senior and finally put up his staff bio. He's 17 and has no idea what he's supposed to put here, so this is all some filler material. He writes, draws, reads, plays games, practices martial arts (for lack of … More »

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