Gibbs College representative talks to seniors about living independently

April 15, 2005, midnight | By Adedeji Ogunfolu | 19 years, 11 months ago

Seniors learn more about the real world

Tashana George, a representative from Gibbs College in Vienna, Virginia, talked to Blair seniors about life after high school on April 13 and 14. The presentations are a year-long initiative at 60 other schools in Montgomery County, Loudon County, Prince George's County and D.C. public schools.

The presentation "On your own in the new millennium," had several topics, including tips for interviewing, credit- card information and costs of living in the metropolitan area. Students also learned the differences in the salaries of high school graduates compared to those of college graduates from a traditional four-year institution and those who graduate from trade schools.

One of the main emphases of the discussion was proper management of financial earnings. "The best way to save [money] is to forget about it," George said. "When you see it all the time, you tend to want to spend it."

For more information about Gibbs College, click here.

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Adedeji Ogunfolu. Adedeji Ogunfolu is now a senior. Besides working dilligently on the Silver Chips Online staff, he is an extremely enthusiastic musician. He is not ashamed to tell people that he has been to band camp, but he prefers to call it orchestra camp. He has … More »

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