Forty-five athletes honored at winter sports awards ceremony

March 8, 2007, midnight | By Johanna Gretschel | 18 years ago

Blair boasts seventy-eight scholar-athletes and thirty-one straight-A athletes

Last night, the Blair Booster Club hosted the winter sports awards ceremony in the Blair auditorium. After a slide show commemorating the past season was displayed, baseball coach John MacDonald introduced the awards ceremony in place of Blair's athletic director, Dale Miller. Miller was in Pittsburg to attend a funeral.

MacDonald recognized the 78 scholar-athletes by having them stand up. The 31 athletes who earned straight A's for the second marking period received a special patch.

The varsity girls' basketball team stands on the auditorium stage and listens to head coach James Mogge's remarks. Photo courtesy of Johanna Gretschel.

Every winter sport was represented at the awards ceremony by a coach who recapped the sport's season and highlighted particular athletes' performances onstage. Coaches selected athletes from their team to receive the Most Valuable Player (MVP), Outstanding Senior (OS), Most Improved (MI) and Coach's Award (CA) awards:

Girl's JV Basketball
MVP- Kelly Pelz-Butler
MI- Sarah Frank
CA- Ramita Dewan

Girls' Varsity Basketball
MVP- Jennifer Williams
OS- Helen Denbow
MI- Molly Martinez
CA- Sara Ramsay

Girls' Indoor Track
MVP- Halsey Sinclair
OS- Ashlyn Sinclair
MI- Johanna Gretschel
CA- Ana Ramos-Maltez

Boys' Indoor Track
MVP- Louis Varella
OS- Paul Ishimoto
MI- Nilan Schnure
CA- Jonathan Haughton

Boys' JV Basketball
MVP- Wayne Henderson
MI- Neil Corran
CA- Cooper Neimand

Boys' Varsity Basketball
MVP- Isadore Melton II
OS- Ross Williams
MI- Joseph Dubuche
CA- Richard Chavez

Girls' Swimming
MVP- Melanie Snail
OS- Elizabeth Chang
MI- Rachel Nicholson
CA- Francesca Blume

Boys' Swimming
MVP- Trung Vuong
OS- Robert Feasley
MI- Andrew McGehee
CA- Christoff Visscher

JV Wrestling
MVP- Alhaji Janneh
MI- Aaron Sacks
CA- Joseph Rosen

Varsity Wrestling
MVP- Haben Ghebremeschel
OS- Michael Street
MI- Jacob Weinfeld
CA- Phine Ulysse

MVP- Diane Chase
OS- Ashley Smith
MI- Michelle Kae
CA- Hannah Nelson

Pom Squad
MVP- Zoë Bell
OS- Abigail Barnes
MI- Janine Charlery
CA- Nicole Severi

Johanna Gretschel. Johanna Gretschel is pretty much a BEAST at life. Her three most favorite things in the world are: food, hot 80's dance parties and running (probably in that order). She enjoys matching her ribbons with her spandex, and wishes that Madonna (circa 1985) and Gwen … More »

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