Floor hockey season faces questionable fate

Oct. 8, 2002, midnight | By Branden Buehler | 22 years, 5 months ago

This year's intramural floor hockey season, which would normally begin in November, faces an uncertain future due to sponsor Charles Wang's busy schedule.

Wang said that the large amount of time required to run an intramural sport will probably allow him to be able to do only one sport this year. Because of the cancellation of last year's intramural indoor soccer season caused by flooding in the gym, Wang said that he is "leaning towards doing indoor soccer." Wang also said that he has heard from many students who want to play indoor soccer this year.

According to Wang, the time consumed by operating multiple intramural sports is significant. Wang said that during the seasons he spends "a lot of time making schedules and stats." Wang also must spend a considerable amount of time refereeing games after school.

In an effort to preserve the floor hockey season, Wang said that he asked several teachers to help him with the league, but he said no one seemed interested.

Despite this, Bob Gibb, who plays for the teachers' team in the floor hockey league, said that he believes other teachers would assist Wang. "Teachers would help referee if necessary," said Gibb. "If it's a question of needing help, then I'm sure some of the teachers' team would," he added.

Intramural floor hockey was started over a decade ago by physical education teacher Cynthia Changuris. Wang took over when Changuris became a resource teacher, which restricted her from running extracurricular activities.

Since its inception, floor hockey has become a popular pastime for numerous students and teachers, and many at Blair cannot imagine the sport being dropped.

"It's a tradition, they just can't give it up," said senior Pete Johnson, who has played since his freshman year.

Gibb echoed the sentiment, saying, "I hope there's a season."

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Branden Buehler. Branden Buehler is a senior in the magnet program. When he is not doing schoolwork, work for Silver Chips Online, or swimming for the Blair swim team, he could possibly be found playing foosball or playing his guitar and recording songs in a futile attempt … More »

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