Fire triggers second evacuation within 24 hours

Dec. 8, 2005, midnight | By Christopher Consolino, Varun Gulati | 19 years, 3 months ago

Second- and fourth-period classes disrupted

A third fire in two days occurred this morning in the girls' bathroom in the 250s hallway, triggering the second building evacuation since yesterday afternoon.

The fire alarm rang at 7:54 a.m., and students were evacuated to the stadium in 25-degree weather. Three fire trucks and one medical unit arrived at Blair while a news helicopter hovered near the stadium. By 8:40 a.m., students were escorted from the stadium into the SAC, gym and auditorium.

Students wait in the stadium for further instuctions during the fire evacuation on Dec. 8. Photo courtesy of Ariana McLean.

According to standard procedure, direction of the building was turned over to the fire marshal upon the fire department's arrival, said Assistant Principal Patricia Hurley, but was returned to school administration by 9:15 a.m. Students were then dismissed to retrieve their belongings from their second-period classes at 9:15 a.m. By 9:30 a.m., students were in their fourth-period classes. Fourth-period classes normally held in the 250s hallway have been moved to the SAC and Media Center.

Before the fire alarm sounded, social studies teacher Brian Hinkle remembers hearing someone yell "fire!" outside of his classroom, room 254, during an announcement by Hurley regarding yesterday's fires. "Right when they made the announcement, someone yelled in the hallway, 'There's a fire in the girls' bathroom!'" said senior Ngoclan Nguyen, a student in Hinkle's second-period class.

After the building was secured, students were escorted from the stadium into the SAC and gym. According to Blair Safety Officer Mark Curran, students were asked to file into the building past two administrators and police officers stationed at the two exit gates to the stadium. "They were able to locate students who had information on today's and yesterday's fires," he said.

Blair administrators discuss the fire situation with police during the evacuation on Dec. 8.  Photo courtesy of Diana Frey.

Students were not permitted to return to their first-block classes because of the police investigation into the fire. "It's now criminal; that's why we were only able to come into the gym and SAC [and auditorium], so they could gather evidence," said Curran.

Yesterday, a fire in the girls' bathroom in the 350s hallway triggered the fire alarm at the end of seventh period. According to an anonymous staff source who visited the bathroom later, the toilet paper dispenser in the last stall had melted off the wall, leaving the bathroom "coated with black carbon."

Magnet teachers David Stein and Ralph Bunday noticed another fire at the start of seventh period yesterday in the girls' bathroom in the 310s hallway. Magnet coordinator Eileen Steinkraus reported the fire to administration. The fire had extinguished itself by the time Stein and Bunday arrived, leaving only a half-melted, tilted trashcan and toxic fumes.

School administration and police officers declined to comment on the investigation of either day's fires.

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Christopher Consolino. Christopher Consolino is a senior in Communication Arts Program. If Chris had free time, he would spend it practicing piano and taking pictures with his 15 year-old Minolta. He would also like to stress how much better wet process photography is than digital. Most of … More »

Varun Gulati. Varun is a <b>senior</b> at Blair and loves working for Silver Chips Online, listening to his archaic mp3 player and chatting on AIM while his mother nags him in the background. More »

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