Field improvements delayed

June 4, 2003, midnight | By Robin Hernandez | 21 years, 9 months ago

Due to snow and rain, Montgomery County efforts to improve the condition of the track field have been delayed.

The Physical Education Department and Blair sports teams have not been able to use the track field during the school year due to the delayed improvements. According to Business manager Anne Alban, the county contracted a landscaping company to re-grade the track field, but have been unable to complete the process. The county is planning to tear up the soil in order to remove rocks and smooth out the surface and plant new seed.

Blair Athletic Director, Dale Miller attributes the postponement of the reparations to wet weather. "Machinery was sinking into the ground," rendering it difficult for the county to complete the field, he said.

The Maryland National Capitol Park and Planning Commission (MNCPPC) maintains the Blair fields and issues permits to groups outside of Blair. After installing a sprinkler system in the track field, the county hired a company to complete the repair.

In addition to the track field's need of improvement, the practice field located behind the courtyard also requires upgrading. According to Miller, MNCPPC is not permitting teams outside of Blair to use the fields in an effort to "to save the fields" and allow more grass to grow.

According to Alban the track field was never "graded properly when the school was built." The condition of the field became a concern to Blair when it was realized the field was potentially "dangerous, as far as people twisting their ankles."

Predictions for the completion of the field are for the fall of 2003; however Alban admits the field may not be ready for use.

Related stories include: Poorly maintained fields injure athletes

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