Exam schedule finalized

March 9, 2008, midnight | By Anika Manzoor | 17 years ago

Due to graduation, dates for underclassman finals inconsistent with county

The end-of-year exam schedules for the 2007-2008 school year have been released on the school's web site and the PTSA List Serv, according to Assistant Principal Myriam Rogers. Senior exams run from May 23 to May 29, and regular exams for the rest of the school are from June 5 to June 10, beginning one day earlier than the rest of Mongtomery County because Blair administration wanted to make sure that exams end before the June 11 graduation.

"We requested special permission from the county superintendent to begin exams one day earlier to ensure that as much staff and students as possible can give support on graduation," Rogers said. She also purposefully scheduled the senior make-up exam day to fall on the last day of school for seniors, although many schools have make-up exams before the last day for seniors.

Schedules are accessible to parents through the PTSA List Serv, according Myriam Rogers, so plans have not been made to distribute the schedule to students. "I didn't think it was necessary," she said. If the administration does hand out schedules later, though, they will be distributed through English classes sometime next week, Rogers said.

The 2008 final exam schedules are as follows:

Senior exams
Wednesday, May 21: Senior exam review day for odd periods
Thursday, May 22: Senior exam review day for even periods
Friday, May 23: Senior exams, periods five and seven
Tuesday, May 27: Senior exams, periods six and eight
Wednesday, May 28: Senior exams, periods one and three
Thursday, May 29: Senior exams, periods two and four
Friday, May 30: Senior exam makeup day, last day for seniors

Regular Exams
Tuesday, June 3: Final exam review day for even periods
Wednesday, June 4: Final exam review day for odd periods
Thursday, June 5: Final exams, periods one and two
Friday, June 6: Final exams, periods three and four
Monday, June 9: Final exams, periods five and six
Tuesday, June 10: Final exams, periods seven and eight
Wednesday, June 11: Graduation, no final exams
Thursday, June 12: Final exam makeup day

Anika Manzoor. Although she may look like a cute and innocent freshman, Anika is actually a SENIOR(!!), who kicks butts and takes names on a daily basis. But otherwise she's very friendly with a sunny disposition and a constant snarl - er smile on her face =D … More »

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