Elections run smoothly

April 25, 2007, midnight | By Julia Mazerov | 17 years, 6 months ago

Blazers vote for SMOB, school offices

Students cast their votes for school-wide offices and the Student Member of the Board position during English classes today and yesterday in the small gym. All students voted for their respective class officers depending on their grade and academy.

Students registered at a front table, where they received a key card and special code that enabled them to vote.

Current SGA members as well as other student volunteers presided over the elections.
According to SGA Parliamentarian Cindy Ayala, the elections ran efficiently.

SGA sponsor Ronda Ravilious attested to this success, stating, "I'm really pleased…I can't even tell you how hard everyone worked on the elections. Cindy was in charge and she was fantastic."

One beneficial change to this year's elections was the new set up of the gym. Rather than directing students to exit out of the doors where others enter the room, they were instructed to exit out the side door and then reenter the building through the main doors on the Colesville side. This new floor plan prevented theft of voter key cards, which has been a problem in past years according to current Vice President Molly Martinez.

Candidates for President and Vice President stood outside the gym as students entered, making a last minute request for their vote and reinstating aspects of their platforms.

Presidential candidate Vijay Baharani conveyed his satisfaction with the experience of his opponent, stating, "Molly and I campaigned together and I think we're both very well-qualified. However it turns out, we'll both be happy."

Julia Mazerov. Julia: -is a SEENIORRRR -is obsessed with Entourage -makes to-do lists like it's her job -takes naps a lot -is a riflery pro -goes to lots of concerts -has a weakness for cute tote bags, Starbucks Java Chip Ice Cream, and Kate Harter More »

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