Diva Dancers removed from pep rally

Oct. 26, 2002, midnight | By Sanjay Bhat | 22 years, 4 months ago

Diva Dancers and Step Team will not be permitted to perform at the fall pep rally, according to SGA President Sara Furlow. The decision comes as part of Principal Philip Gainous's effort to limit Pep Rally performances to Blair athletic teams.

Time restrictions and an overwhelming number of fall sports teams have forced Gainous to restrict the number of organizations allowed to perform. "Mr. Gainous and [Athletic Director Dale Miller] collectively decided to remove Divas and Step Team from the pep rally," said Furlow, "because of the surplus of fall sports teams."

Gainous and Miller reportedly decided to assign time limits to each group in the fall pep rally. "[Gainous and Miller] decided that two minutes would be enough time for everyone to perform," said Furlow. "But [Diva Dancers sponsor] Ms. Lacovaro wanted three-and-half minutes for the Divas."

After SGA Sponsor Julia Smrek refused to allow extra time for the Diva Dancers, Gainous decided to remove all non-athletic teams from the Pep Rally. "I guess Mr. Gainous got tired of the arguing," said Furlow, "and just decided to take [Divas and Step] out altogether."

Divas Captain Brittony Ruffin was very disappointed with Gainous's decision. "This really makes me mad," said Ruffin, "because we worked so hard for this."

Miller believes that Diva Dancers will not be allowed to perform at future pep rallies, regardless of time issues. "If it is an athletic pep rally," said Miller, "the Diva Dancers will not perform."

Poms and Cheerleaders, which are considered to be athletic teams, will be performing in the pep rally.

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Sanjay Bhat. Sanjay Bhat is a senior currently enrolled in the Magnet Program at Montgomery Blair High School. He spends his time playing basketball, and is a member of the Blair Varsity Golf Team. Sanjay has lived in many places including England and France, before settling down … More »

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