Construction to stop along Colesville until school ends

June 2, 2004, midnight | By Anthony Glynn | 20 years, 9 months ago

Delegate Peter Franchot takes aim at sidewalk removal

After PTSA president Fran Rothstein expressed serious concerns, Delegate Peter Franchot stalled the construction along Colesville Road that had previously prevented pedestrians from walking between the Indian Springs area and Blair.

The first time Rothstein learned about the sidewalk removal was a week before the construction was scheduled to begin, when The Gazette called her and asked how she felt about the situation. Last Friday, after Montgomery County Council President Steve Silverman assured her that the Colesville Road construction was the responsibility of the state, not the county, Rothstein left several messages with members of the State Delegation. She received a phone call that afternoon from Franchot telling her of the immediate halt in construction.

Rothstein was particularly upset with the lack of notification from the government. "Basically, they didn't communicate with the school. They didn't communicate with the parents. They didn't communicate with the students. They just did it," said Rothstein. "So, what we have asked them for and what Franchot believes he can achieve is at least postponing [the construction] for a couple of weeks." Principal Phillip Gainous was not even informed until a day before the construction began.

In the future, Rothstein said Franchot will work to improve the timing and notification process to "make sure we are not blindsided again by these folks."

To contact Franchot for more information, click here.

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