Chocolate crinkle cups

Feb. 13, 2006, midnight | By Mary Donahue | 18 years, 12 months ago

A perfect display for fillings

This showy dessert is easy to make and provides just one of those extra little details that makes your baked goods stand out from the rest. Lemon sherbet, any ice cream that blends well with chocolate, whipped cream, custard and mousse are all examples are very good fillings. The success of this recipe depends on using semisweet chocolate as indicated with no substitutions.

These crinkle cup chocolates are the perfect edible container for your desserts

Makes 8 to 10 servings

- 8 to 10 foil or paper cupcake liners
- pastry brush or very small spoon

- 8 ounces semisweet chocolate


1. Place paper cups in muffin pans

2. Melt chocolate partially in double boiler over hot water

3. Remove from heat and stir until chocolate is completely melted and smooth

4. Using either a very small spoon or a pastry brush (preferred), line the insides of the cupcake papers with melted chocolate. Coat all the folds evenly and thickly to prevent breaking

5. Refrigerate until use. When ready to use, quickly peel paper off the cups with cool hands. Immediately spoon in desired filling and sprinkle with chocolate curls (if desired). Serve immediately or refrigerate filled cups until serving time

Mary Donahue. Mary Donahue is an 11th grade, vegetarian Honors student who is addicted to sugar. Whatever free time she can find is quickly swallowed up by Doback, "her" horse, or her crazy friends, with whom she scares mortals. She isn't happy unless she is moving, which … More »

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