Charity Challenge party to be held February 9

Feb. 7, 2007, midnight | By Johanna Gretschel | 18 years, 1 month ago

Class of 2008 to celebrate fundraiser victory

The SGA is sponsoring a party for the junior class this Friday, Feb. 9, in the SAC from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. According to junior Cindy Ayala, SGA Director of ESOL Outreach, the SGA will show a movie and BNC will provide music. Light refreshments will be provided.

The party is the class of 2008's reward for collecting the most money during the Charity Challenge "Penny Wars" in December. The juniors collected and donated $535.08 to Shepherd's Table.

The SGA has not yet decided what movie will be shown, said Ayala.

Johanna Gretschel. Johanna Gretschel is pretty much a BEAST at life. Her three most favorite things in the world are: food, hot 80's dance parties and running (probably in that order). She enjoys matching her ribbons with her spandex, and wishes that Madonna (circa 1985) and Gwen … More »

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