Changes and strong organization made Back-to-School Night a success

Sept. 7, 2007, midnight | By Pia Nargundkar, Rachita Sood | 17 years, 6 months ago

Annual event for parents held last night

Blair's annual Back-to-School Night was held from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. yesterday. This year's event, coordinated by new assistant principal Myriam Rogers, saw many changes from previous years.

University Boulevard is crowded with people navigating around the school. Photo courtesy of Gili Perl.

The night began with thirty minutes allotted for parents to visit tables set up along Blair Boulevard for clubs and organizations including the SGA, Blair Boosters, Blair Robotics and the PTSA. Each of the five academies and the Magnet and Communications Arts Program (CAP) set up tables as well. During this time, pizza and drinks were on sale in the SAC and parents could drop off children to daycare services provided in the child services center and the gym.

At 7 p.m., parents reported to their students' advisory periods, at which time a video message from the administration, PTSA and SGA aired. Parents received their children's schedules and attended odd day classes followed by even day classes, spending 15 minutes in each period. During 5A and 5B lunch periods, staff in the media center provided help with Edline account activation and use.

Staff and parents were pleased with the night and the liveliness created by the new changes. More organizations set up tables along Blair Boulevard and more students were involved in the activities this year, according to magnet coordinator Dennis Heidler. "In the past there were just a few tables run by the PTSA and others, but now there is much more representation," he said.

Principal Darryl Williams speaks with Maryland State Delegate Thomas Hucker (center) during Back-to-School Night.  Photo courtesy of Gili Perl.

The biggest change, according to assistant principal Linda Wanner, was that free dinner was provided for Blair teachers before Back-to-School Night so that staff members who lived far away would not have to travel home. The dinner was a success, according to Wanner, who estimated that around 200 staff members showed up.

SGA sponsor and social studies teacher Rondai Ravilious believed that all of the new changes created a more positive and involved Back-to-School Night. "I was so pleased to walk into school and see all that was going on," Ravilious said.

Parking, usually a large concern for the administration and parents, was not a negative factor in Thursday's events. Parents could utilize the Colesville and University side parking lots as well the lots in St. Bernadette's School and Marvin Memorial Church across the street from Blair. Security guards were stationed at each lot and helped direct traffic when lots became full, according to Rogers. "It was very well coordinated," she said.

Pia Nargundkar. Pia Nargundkar was Editor-in-Chief of Silver Chips Online during the 2007-2008 school year. More »

Rachita Sood. Rachita Sood wants you to tell her a joke. She probably won't get it, but she'll laugh anyways. In the little free time she has, Rachita enjoys jammin' to ROXANNE, dressing in earth-toned clothes and munching on Peeps. More »

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