Change in exam policy rejected

April 10, 2003, midnight | By Tina Peng | 21 years, 11 months ago

The Montgomery County Board of Education (BOE) rejected on Mar 24 a bill that would increase the weight of final exams but voted to reevaluate the county's attendance and grading policies.

Some high school parents, students and teachers strongly opposed the suggested exam-weight increase from 25 to 30 percent. But some believed this change would improve students' preparation for the Maryland High School Assessments (HSAs), statewide tests which will become a graduation requirement in 2007. The BOE ruled 6-1 against the measure.

Although the BOE decided not to raise the weight of final exams, it expressed concern that students may not be adequately prepared for the HSAs and approved a new policy requiring that grades be consistent among county schools, that student progress be consistently communicated to parents and that grades be based purely on student mastery of the curriculum.

In addition, the BOE voted to reevaluate the county's current loss-of-credit policy, under which students lose credit for a class after five unexcused absences or, in 90-minute block classes, three unexcused absences. Grades for high school classes earned in middle school classes will also appear on students' college transcripts. However, students may choose to retake those classes to improve their grades.

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Tina Peng. Tina is a very sagely senior who likes journalism and other things. She cringes when she thinks of her avidly pro-Backstreet Boys bio of last year, but hopes that that will have been forgotten by now. Tina would like to grow up and become a … More »

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