Breast Cancer Awareness assembly held

Feb. 5, 2003, midnight | By Robin Hernandez | 22 years, 1 month ago

The Suburban Hospital Suburban Breast Center visited Blair High School on Tuesday, February 3 to speak to all female students in grades eleven and twelve about breast self-examination and breast cancer awareness in a program called "Check it out," which has been traveling to Montgomery County high schools for eight years.

A breast cancer survivor and nurse from Suburban Breast Cancer addressed students about the importance of early detection and answered questions students had about the most common form of cancer in females.

The assembly demonstrated how to conduct self-examinations and provided students with a packet of general information about breast cancer. Ann McDaniel, a breast cancer survivor was introduced to students by the school nurse and spoke to students about the importance of early detection. "Play a role in your own future," she said. McDaniel also encouraged students to be aware for "your mothers, your aunts, and your friends."

Judy Macon a nurse from Suburban Breast Cancer center introduced surprising statistics about breast cancer and valuable information in detecting early signs of cancer. A video demonstrated the different methods of conducting a self-exam, explaining that early detection is important because "if you catch cancer early, it is curable."

At the end of the assembly, students were given the opportunity to ask questions about breast cancer and separated the facts from the myths.

"Check it out" is holding a raffle for a Westfield gift bag for students who answer questions on the evaluation. Students interested in winning the raffle should turn in evaluations to the health room by Tuesday, February 11.

Important Facts about Breast Cancer:

  • One in eight American women will develop breast cancer- the most commonly diagnosed cancer in American.
  • We know that about 192,000 women in the United States will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer in 2002. About 40,600 women will die from the disease.
  • Breast cancer death rates declined significantly from 1992 to 1996, with the largest decrease in younger women-both white and black. This decline is probably the result of earlier detection and improved treatment.
  • Less than one half of one percent of younger women is diagnosed with breast cancer.
Information complied by American Cancer Society 2001 and Hadassah Women's Zionist Organization of America

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