Boys lax falls through in season finale

May 6, 2003, midnight | By Alan Coleman | 21 years, 10 months ago


The Blazers gave up a 10-3 loss to Watkins Mill High School in the season's closing match. The team will lose twelve seniors for next year.

Senior attack John Selby left with a bang, scoring the team's first two of three goals. Selby was assisted by seniors Chris Olson and Justin Craver. Junior Josh Gottlieb-Miller scored Blair's final point late in the third quarter.

Although Watkins Mill did not visually dominate, they overpowered Blair, putting up a goal with a single second left in the first half and scoring twice in five seconds in the fourth quarter.

Selby was not contented by the loss. "Obviously you can't be happy with 10-3. It's discouraging when you're down by six goals in the fourth quarter," said Selby

While Watkins Mill shouldn't have beaten the Blazers by as much as they did, Coach Robert Gibb attributes the loss to the lack of motivation the team had. "It was senior night, but no one played like it was," Gibb said. "They were just flat. There was no intensity."

Next season's team will be depleted, as those graduating include captains John Selby, Jamie Platky, Chris Olson, and Ben Field-Pickerin. Of the twelve seniors graduating, two start at attack, three start at middie, and five start at defense.

Gibb believes that the loss of starting seniors will have a large effect on next year's season. "There will be a lot of impact from our seniors," he said. "This year our strength was our defense, and five long-sticks are leaving."

Selby agrees that wins will not come easy next year. "They're gonna get it rough. They'll have to prove and push themselves on the field," Selby said.

The first playoff game will be played on Thursday, May 8.

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Alan Coleman. Alan Coleman is currently a junior in the CAP program. '04 Baby! He is a writer on <i>Silver Chips Online</i> and a Sports Writer for <i>Silver Chips</i> print. During the winter, Alan wrestles. This season, he had a remarkable 8-6 record (not bad for a … More »

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