BNC plans Semester Shakedown

Feb. 24, 2007, midnight | By Poorva Singal | 17 years, 11 months ago

Downcounty mixer to be held March 9

The BNC Semester Shakedown is scheduled for Friday, March 9, from 7 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. at Blair. A Downcounty mixer, the dance is open to all Montgomery County high school students with school IDs. Students may purchase tickets for $4 starting about a week and a half before the dance outside of the SAC. Tickets will be sold for $8 at the door.

All high school students with MCPS IDs are invited to attend the BNC Semester Shakedown on March 9.  Photo courtesy of Poorva Singal.

The Semester Shakedown is an annual dance sponsored by BNC. It was canceled last year because of scheduling conflicts and problems with the administration, according to Nicole Severi, the BNC Public Relations Executive Director. This year, BNC hopes to draw a bigger crowd, especially because plans did not work out last year, she said. Other high schools in the Downcounty Consortium have been contacted, so they may advertise the dance to their students.

The Semester Shakedown is set apart from other school dances, like homecoming and prom, not only because it is advertised at other Montgomery County high schools, but also because it is a casual dance. "This is an opportunity for people who like to dance and who like to engage in school activities like that but don't necessarily like to dress up the whole time," Severi explained. The only stipulation is that students must follow the school dress code.

Other interested high schools will be given ticket vouchers to give to their students, according to BNC advisor Shay Taylor. Students from other Montgomery County high schools may present the ticket voucher the day of the Semester Shakedown at the door for a reduced presale price. Or, they may purchase a ticket at door price without the voucher. Blair students may also purchase the actual tickets for themselves and their friends and other Montgomery County schools. "We really encourage people to come [and] bring their friends," Taylor said.

A range of songs is planned for the dance. "We're going to try to get a decent variety [of party music]," Taylor said. "[The DJ is] very good at coming up with what pleases the crowd." BNC chose a DJ a couple of months ago, according to Taylor. At the Semester Shakedown, students will also be able to buy refreshments and possibly snacks – something that still has to be decided on, she said.

BNC hopes that by making the dance a mixer, more people will be encouraged to come. "It's just a way to try to gain a bigger crowd not just students at Blair but students at other schools in the county," Severi said.

Poorva Singal. More »

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