Blair wins 2004-2005 Calculus League

June 8, 2005, midnight | By Pratik Bhandari | 19 years, 9 months ago

Blair's Calculus Team won the Continental Math League's national 2004-2005 Calculus League competition.

Top scorers for the team, coached by math teacher David Stein, were juniors John Silberholz and John Kim; sophomores Matt McCutchen, Brian Lawrence, Cyril Lan, Mark Harding, Ben Strauss and Jordan Turner; freshmen Holman Gao, Benjamin Lee and Timothy Peng and Takoma Park Middle School eighth-grader Aki Hogge.

The Calculus League competition consists of four meets of eight questions each. The questions, involving topics that are covered in a normal AB Calculus class, must be answered in 40 minutes. Usually, there are six multiple-choice questions and two free response questions per meet.

Sample questions involve topics like solving limits, finding derivatives of functions and finding the minimum cost of fencing off a certain area based on a cost function.

Kim, one of the top scorers on the team, said, "It's nice that we won. It's a pretty big honor."

Graphic by Elena Pinsky.

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Pratik Bhandari. Pratik Bhandari is (now) a 5'6" SENIOR who (still) weighs about 125 pounds. He came from India, which could explain his diminutive stature and lived there for three years before moving to Albany, the capital of New York believe it or not, and finally to … More »

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