Blair to hold second annual poetry slam and poetry workshops

March 13, 2007, midnight | By Nitin Sukumar | 18 years ago

Poet Carol Peck returning to teach students

Blair will host its second annual Poetry Slam during Blair Fair on April 20 at 7 p.m. in the library. The English department will welcome back poet Carol Peck, of the Maryland State Arts Council, to conduct poetry workshops for students prior to the competition.

According to media specialist Lisa Hack, Peck will hold workshops for approximately 20 classes from April 10 to April 20. All English and ESOL 4 and 5 teachers were given the chance to sign up their classes for this opportunity.

Peck will advise the students through her own perspective as a poet. "She gives students a writing prompt and ideas on how to write, and then the students write their own poems," Hack said.

The slam at the end of the two-week period mimics the rules of a real slam; students have three minutes to perform poetry without music. Last year, the stage crew set up a lighted stage to create a café-like setting. Blazers are welcome to enter the poetry slam up until the night of the competition itself, although Hack says there may not be enough time for every entrant. "There is a chance we run out of time, however, so it's better to sign up ahead of time," she advised.

Judging by the turnout last year (20 presenters and an audience of 200), Hack expects the slam to be a big success. She hopes that the competition will draw an even greater crowd. "Everyone should come and support poetry-writing Blazers," Hack said. "It's a great event where all types of students come together to read and perform poetry."

Nitin Sukumar. Nitin's middle name is Antonio Gates. More »

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