Blair to hold Sankofa show

Feb. 2, 2012, 11:37 a.m. | By Peter McNally | 13 years, 1 month ago

Show pays tribute to black history

On Feb. 17, a cast of Blair students will stage a traditional Sankofa show in commemoration of Black History month. The show will take place at 7:30 in the Blair auditorium. English Department Resource Teacher Vickie Adamson will direct the show.

Sankofa shows blend dance, music and spoken word from black writers including Maya Angelou, Carter G. Woodson and Tupac Shakur. Blair's Sankofa show will feature a cast of students of various races and ages.

Through the performance, the cast and crew hope to raise awareness about Black History Month. "It's through that vehicle of entertainment that we hope to remind people not only of the importance of black history, but of the beauty and resolve of black history,” said Adamson. Freshman Cherie Carter feels that the show will also draw more attention to important figures of black history. "It will raise awareness about certain people who are not always talked about in black history," she said.

Junior Osee Obaonrin, who is acting in the show, felt the show to be especially important because of general unfamiliarity with black history. Adamson expressed the belief that recognition of black history is especially important in a time when some consider society to be post-racist. "For some people, since the election, people have asked 'Have we arrived at the mountain top; have we succeeded?' I think the answer is no," she said.

Adamson also hoped to introduce more minority Blazers to theater, which she is concerned many regard as a "white activity". Obaonrin pointed out that many students do not take part in theater because of a lack of exposure to theatrical productions. "A lot of people have never been on stage and have never experienced a full production," she said. Adamson added that involvement in theater can help students improve in their overall academic performance.

Despite her focus on getting black students involved, Adamson urged for diverse participation. "It's for everyone. All students should be celebrating black history," she said.

"Sankofa: A celebration of black history" will take place on Feb. 17 at 7:30. Tickets are $5 for students and $10 for adults. See Ms. Adamson in the English Department for ticketing information.

Peter McNally. More »

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