Blair to hold International Night for first time in two years

Dec. 10, 2012, 4:09 p.m. | By Michael Gerbasi | 11 years, 10 months ago

Multi-cultural event will celebrate Blair's diversity

Blair will hold International Night, a Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) sponsored event, for the first time in two years on Thursday, Dec. 13, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Student Activity Center (SAC).

The event's purpose is to share all of the many different cultures at Blair. "International night is a celebration of the diversity of Blair. It gives the students an opportunity to share with others parts of their culture," PTSA member Chouchou Hansen said.

The event will feature displays from different countries and food from several of Blair's different ethnic backgrounds. "We will share informational displays about many countries, cultural exhibits and a little taste of traditional snacks and dishes," PTSA Vice President Maria Portela said.

Along with ethnic displays and food, International Night will showcase numerous student performances. "Right now, we have Ethiopian, Indonesian, Indian and possibly Bolivian dancers. We also have students from the Slam Poetry Club and French Honor Society who will participate," Hansen said. "We are also working on a fashion parade or show."

International Night has not been held since 2010 due to a conflicting event and a lack of volunteers. "The last similar event was in 2010 and it was called 'Taste of Blair.' In 2011, there was not enough volunteer support to coordinate the different tasks for the event and therefore it was cancelled," Portela said.

According to Portela, donations and a significant amount of volunteer work are making this event possible. "It is important to highlight that the event is totally supported with donations and volunteer work," Portela said. "This year, the event promises great surprises with a team of more than 10 volunteers, who are working extremely hard on the main areas of the event."

Junior James Taylor, who plans on attending this year, is glad that International Night has returned. "Everyone gets to express where they are from; it's great. They should have had it the last two years but it's a good idea to finally bring it back," Taylor said.

Hansen hopes that more students like Taylor will participate or at least attend the event. "I think International Night is a great idea. I just wish more students would participate," Hansen said. "This is a great chance for students to show off in a good way."

International night will be held on Thursday, Dec. 13, in the Blair SAC from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. It is free and open to everyone in the Blair community.

Tags: James Taylor diversity PTSA Chouchou Hansen International Night Maria Portela

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