Blair teachers featured in publications

Feb. 4, 2004, midnight | By Adedeji Ogunfolu | 21 years, 1 month ago

Psychology teacher Eliot Applestein had a letter to the editor published in The Washington Post during the week of Jan. 26 and computer-programming instructor Karen Collins was profiled in February's edition of National Education Association's magazine for teachers.

Applestein was featured in the letters to the editor in The Washington Post for comments about the confusing wording that MCPS uses for different writing prompts, such as BCRs and LEPs. He sarcastically compared the wording to military terms with equally long names for simple tasks.

Collins was profiled for her fiddle playing in the Washington, D.C., area with her Cajun music band Squeeze Bayou and her country music band The Blue Moon Cowgirls.

Applestein's letter to the editor can be found here.

The profile on Collins can be found here.

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Adedeji Ogunfolu. Adedeji Ogunfolu is now a senior. Besides working dilligently on the Silver Chips Online staff, he is an extremely enthusiastic musician. He is not ashamed to tell people that he has been to band camp, but he prefers to call it orchestra camp. He has … More »

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