Blair applies for recognition as Maryland Green School

March 7, 2019, 1:40 p.m. | By Absa Fall | 6 years ago

Green Club members work to recertify Blair

Montgomery Blair High School has been certified as a "Maryland Green School" with the Maryland Green Schools Award Program (MDGS) since 2012, thanks to the tireless work of Green Club, which spearheads an application to recertify Blair every four years. Now, the club's members are working diligently to meet the deadline of March 18 to earn that title once again

To qualify for the title, Blair has to demonstrate a variety of accomplishments that tie in with creating a sustainable environment. A crucial part of the award requires youth action and initiative to show that both faculty members and students are working towards to protect the environment.

Plants in front of Montgomery Blair High School Photo courtesy of Leo Blain.

Elizabeth Levien, a Chemistry teacher at Blair, says that the Green School certification would show that Blair is taking steps towards sustainability. "It shows that our student body and staff are committed to modeling the best sustainability practices. It will also instill good habits in young people," Levien stated.

Green Club is using the new water bottle refiller stations, along with a variety of climate-related activities at Blair such as indoor plant management and composting bins, to show the steps Blair has taken to be greener. "It is actually not that hard to certify; Blair already does a lot of environmentally beneficial things. It's really just a matter of finding them and putting it together," Green Club co-president Anna Brookes said.

Other high schools in Montgomery County who have been certified include Poolesville, Richard Montgomery and Northwood.

Levien believes that becoming certified as a Green School is only the first step towards becoming a greener school. "It's nice to have the label, but I do think that there is room for improvement and stronger change. For one thing, people shouldn't view recycling as the solve-all green practice but instead really strive to reduce the amount of waste in the first place," Levien said.

To find out more information about Maryland Green Schools, visit to

Last updated: March 7, 2019, 1:41 p.m.

Tags: Maryland Green School MDGS

Absa Fall. Hey, I am Absa and I hope you read all of my fantastic stories! I am a Leo (just like my homeboy Barack Obama- one day I will meet you) and I love reading. Uh, so cool sauce, see you later. More »

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