BEN to be shut down June 15

June 12, 2007, midnight | By Pia Nargundkar | 17 years, 9 months ago

Only e-mail interface will be left for the summer

Blair Educational Network (BEN) will be shut down on June 15 at 3 p.m. Blair, under county mandate, is implementing Edline next year, rendering many of BEN's features redundant.

For the summer, a web e-mail interface will be put up so Blazers can still access the e-mail part of their BEN account, according to junior Doris Houng, a system operator. However, all course pages and files stored on BEN will be cleared on June 15. "It's really important that you make sure you have copies of everything you need on your BEN account," Houng said.

The system operators are currently working on a supplement to Edline that will have some of the features from BEN that Edline does not have like class discussions, schedules and the e-mail address. "It's very likely that we will be using [the supplement] next year," sophomore system operator Will Shepherdson said.

Pia Nargundkar. Pia Nargundkar was Editor-in-Chief of Silver Chips Online during the 2007-2008 school year. More »

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