An "Eclipse" over the past

July 8, 2010, 2:13 p.m. | By Liv Jacobson | 14 years, 8 months ago

The third "Twilight" installment is the best yet

The Twilight Saga is more than just a book and movie series: It's a phenomenon. "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse" is the third installment in the movie franchise and the third time lines have gone around the block at movie theaters nationwide for midnight showings. "Twilight” fangirls (and fanboys) won't be disappointed: "Eclipse" is the best so far in the series.

The plot of "Eclipse” starts right where the second movie ended: with a choice. Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) is challenged with the idea of marrying her vampire lover Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) or being with her handsome werewolf best friend Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner). For the first half of the movie, Bella mulls over the decision, constantly conflicted. While the drama of the werewolf-vampire love triangle goes on, a new vampire, Riley (Xavier Samuel), is introduced and seen throughout the first half of the movie creating more vampires in the area. Bella also still has to worry about the vampire Victoria (Bryce Dallas Howard), who since the end of "Twilight" has been trying to kill Bella. All of this, along with Bella's relationship drama, calls for an interesting tale of romance and adventure.

While "New Moon" was a significant improvement from the first "Twilight" movie, "Eclipse" is even better, the main reason being a vast improvement in the acting. Stewart's performance has significantly improved and noticeably lacks some of the annoying habits she has displayed in past movies; she also seems to have opened up more as an actress. Still far from an Oscar-
winning performance, Stewart has definitely stepped up from the past two movies. Even Robert Pattinson's performance is better, with a little more warmth and a little less creepiness.

The plot of "Eclipse" is also deeper and more intense than those of the first two movies. It follows author of the series Stephenie Meyer's story almost perfectly, which is a something a fan of the books can look forward to. The romance in "Eclipse" is also more complicated than ever before; the newly intense love-triangle conflict causes awkward scenes between Bella, Edward and Jacob that fans will love. There is also a lighter side to the movie, with some hilariously cheesy lines that some might think distract from the movie but others will believe add a touch of comedy to the plot.

With Edward's return in "Eclipse," there is one downside to the movie. Less Jacob, or in other words, less of Lautner's abs. The men in the audience may not mind this as much, but a majority of "Twilight's” female fans with be disappointed. Not to worry, Jacob's abs make a select few appearances.

In all, "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse" is not for everybody, but for Twilight fans it is certainly a must-see. It is full of romance, action and a little comedy. Even those who aren't obsessed with the series can find some fun in it, as its cheesy lines could very easily be made fun of and the action scenes are intense.

If "Eclipse" is a sign of what is to come, America's obsession with "Twilight” is not over yet.

"The Twilight Saga: Eclipse" is rated PG-13 for intense sequences of action and violence and some sensuality and is now playing in theaters nationwide.

Liv Jacobson. Liv is from the class of 2012 and has greatly enjoyed her time on Silver Chips Online. She's most known for her entertainment stories, and thus came about her nomination as Entertainment Editor. She loves everything about pop culture and isn't afraid to admit it. … More »

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