Administration launches new security hotline

Oct. 7, 2011, 7:11 p.m. | By Maureen Lei | 13 years, 5 months ago

Blair Principal Renay Johnson announced the Blazer Hotline, a phone number which Blazers and surrounding community members can call and text to anonymously report negative student activity, on Sept. 13. The Hotline is monitored by Johnson and security team leader Cedric Boatman.

According to Johnson, the Blazer Hotline was created when she met with Boatman to address concerns expressed by Woodmoor residents. "Their main concern was that there was so much teenage nuisance during the school day. So, I talked to Mr. Boatman, and he said 'We have an extra cell phone, so why don't we set up a tip line?'," she said.

According to Boatman, the goal of the Hotline is to maximize safety at Blair. "If students see something going on that shouldn't be going on and they want to talk to an adult about it without breaching their identity, they can contact the Hotline. It's not a snitching line," he said.
So far, the Hotline has not generated traffic. "There's nothing right now. I don't think enough kids know about it," said Boatman. Johnson echoed Boatman's sentiments, and revealed her plan to work with the Student Government Association (SGA) to further publicize the Hotline. Specifically, she plans for the SGA to create refrigerator magnets, stickers and posters.

Junior Patrice Morgan-Ongoly, the Student Government Association (SGA) President, expressed positive sentiments regarding the Blazer Hotline. "SGA hopes that by raising awareness, it will create a safer school environment," he said.

Johnson will review messages recorded by the Blazer Hotline to observe trends in student behavior. "What I'm going to do is monitor on a monthly basis to see if some things are happening more," she said. She plans on performing her first check at the end of October.

If you have information, call or text the Blazer Hotline at (240) 688-7940. Prank calls are monitored.

Maureen Lei. Maureen is a Chinese Princess. More »

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