5B-lunch restrictions threatened

March 31, 2004, midnight | By Ely Portillo | 20 years, 11 months ago

Principal Phillip Gainous announced today that 5B lunch will be restricted to the cafeteria unless people leave less garbage for building services to clean up.

"If you don't step up to the plate, then I'll be forced to take care of it," Gainous said in the announcement, which came during sixth period. In a later interview, Gainous said that the trash problem is usually far worse in 5B than 5A lunch. "Consistently, B lunch has been trashy and nasty," said Gainous.

Students will not be allowed to eat anywhere except the SAC, but will still be allowed in other areas without food. The restrictions will only affect 5B lunch.

This policy will be enacted after Spring Break, giving those in 5B lunch two days to reduce the amount of garbage. Gainous said that he believes students will take care of the problem and that the policy will probably not be necessary.

According to Gainous, the majority of the trash is left around the elevator and the surrounding area along Blair Boulevard. "I walked out there and saw the trash, and I just had it," he said.

Gainous also described the students he believes are responsible for garbage left in that area. "These aren't the hell-raising kids getting suspended, these are our supposedly responsible kids, who, for some reason, think it's okay to throw their trash on the ground. And there's a trash can right there!" he said.

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Ely Portillo. Ely Portillo will make up 1/4 of the editors-in-chief this year, rounding out a journalistic dream team of never before seen talent and good looks. His meteoric rise to fame and fortune will be dramatized this year in the highly anticipated movie <i>The Cream Cheese … More »

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